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Re: Can one hire someone else to un-suspend LLC?

February 07, 2017 07:28AM
I would suggest that you talk to your title rep to get their opinion. Having the same family name is common among SFH, so there is probably some check that they make to be sure that the names match the correct entity.

Aside from that, assuming you are not in some kind of litigation or have judgements, have you considered filing a DOT on the properties using a financial friend? I know you mentioned qc and liens, but a title company is not likely to overlook a DOT and would at least contact you if they were to be involved in a transfer. It may be silly, but it probably wouldn't take you more than 24 hours to do while you work through FTB and SOS.
Subject Author Views Posted

Can one hire someone else to un-suspend LLC?

cyrus 4268 February 06, 2017 09:52PM

Re: Can one hire someone else to un-suspend LLC?

Trebor 2736 February 07, 2017 07:28AM

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